South Bookers



1. Website Ownership

The domain is owned by SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. with CIF B93699387, holder of the intellectual property rights over the website and its contents, without prejudice to the legitimate rights of third parties.

The company SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. is registered in the Mercantile Register of Malaga in book 4762, Volume 5855, Folio 206, 1st Page MA-151669, with CIF: B93699387 and has its address for the purposes of this Legal Notice, in Calle Pedro de Deza, 4, 1º, 29013- Malaga. You can contact us at the following email address:

The privacy policy described below is only applicable to this website, understood as such all pages and subpages included in declining SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. any responsibility for the different privacy policies and protection of personal data that may contain the websites that can be accessed through hyperlinks located on this website and not managed directly by SOUTHBOOKERS S.L.

2. Terms and Conditions

The user voluntarily accesses this website. Accessing and browsing this website implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein. Access does not imply any trade relation between SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. and the user.

The present Legal Note and/or the conditions of the services offered through the SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. website may be modified if and when the SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. esteems it necessary, or with the aim of adapting to future legal or technological modifications. These modifications will be duly notified and will be valid from the moment they are published on this website, unless otherwise stated.

3. Services

SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. offers certain services to clients, users and collaborators, subject to the terms and conditions indicated on this website, and they should carefully read the conditions that apply to each service, which in no case will exempt them, unless expressly stated otherwise, from complying with what is expressed in the Legal Notice.

SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. wishes to inform the users of this website that this declaration reflects the data protection policy followed by SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. This policy has been configured in strict compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data, that is, among others, Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data.

4. Collection of Personal Data

The data that SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. collects are those that Users, Clients or Collaborators provide voluntarily through the different forms on the website or its mobile application. Consequently SOUTHBOOKERS S.L., will only have personal data of those Users, Customers or Collaborators who voluntarily wish to provide it to us.

Such data may be incorporated into an automated file, registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, under the ownership of SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. Consequently, the User, Client or Collaborator who voluntarily provides SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. with their personal data, expressly accepts the processing of the same, with the exclusive purpose of managing their status as a registered user of the services supported by SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. In any case, the data collected will always be processed in accordance with current legislation on the protection of personal data.

5. Security Measures

The personal data communicated by the User, Client or Collaborator to SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. may be stored in automated or non- automated databases, whose ownership corresponds exclusively to SOUTHBOOKERS S.L., which assumes all the technical, organisational and security measures that guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information contained therein in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data.

6. Purpose of Data Processing

The personal data voluntarily communicated by the User, Client or Collaborator will only be used for the specific purpose of managing the service requested through this website or its mobile application, being the transport of parcels weighing less than 5kg, as well as creating a network of collaborators to carry out this service and will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, being used only for those purposes for which they were collected and which are expressly reported at the time of collection in this Privacy Policy.

Furthermore, Users, Clients and Collaborators will receive notices of promotions and special offers from SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. In addition, the data will be added to a file of clients, users and collaborators duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

7. Transfer of Data

The personal data collected through this website will not be transferred to any other subject or company, except to the subjects and in the specific cases in which such transfer is protected by the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data.

The User, Client or Collaborator who voluntarily communicates their data to SOUTHBOOKERS S.L., through this website or its mobile application, expressly consents to the use of said personal data for the sending of commercial information by electronic means of the services marketed by SOUTHBOOKERS S.L., in strict compliance with the provisions of the current legislation on Information Society Services, as far as commercial communications are concerned, unless they express their opposition.

SOUTHBOOKERS S.L., undertakes to keep the personal data updated at all times, so that they truthfully reflect the identity and personal characteristics of said users. Therefore, any User, Client or Collaborator may at any time exercise the right to access, rectify, oppose and, where appropriate, cancel their personal data supplied to SOUTHBOOKERS S.L., by means of a written communication addressed to SOUTHBOOKERS S.L., by post to the above address or by e-mail to Por ello, cualquier Usuario, Cliente o Colaborador puede en cualquier momento ejercer el derecho a acceder, rectificar, oponerse y, en su caso, cancelar sus datos de carácter personal suministrados a SOUTHBOOKERS S.L., mediante comunicación escrita dirigida a SOUTHBOOKERS S.L., mediante correo postal a la dirección arriba indicada o correo electrónico a

8. Contents

SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. makes every effort to avoid errors in the contents published on the website. All the contents offered on the website are up to date, SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. reserves the right to modify them at any time. SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. is not responsible for the consequences that may arise from errors in the contents provided by third parties that may appear on this website.

SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. offers links, directly or indirectly, to Internet resources or sites outside this website. The presence of these links on the website is for information purposes only.

9. Limitation of Liability

No warranty is given that the website services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error- free, nor is any warranty given as to the results that may be obtained from the use of the services or as to the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained. It does not control, endorse or guarantee the accuracy, quality, truthfulness, reliability or suitability of the information and services provided or rendered by third parties through the website. Likewise, it does not control and does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements in the contents or services provided or rendered by third parties through the website.

SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. is also not responsible for the content of the websites to which it links outside its page. Nor will it be responsible for any damage or loss that may arise from the connection or use of any content, product or service available on the linked websites. SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. cannot guarantee the availability and correct functioning of links to other websites.

10. Intellectual and Industrial Property

This website and the contents of it are protected by current legislation on intellectual property. The modification, copying, reproduction, downloading, transmission, distribution or transformation of the contents of the portal is prohibited without the authorisation of the owner of the corresponding rights or if it is legally permitted. Under no circumstances does access to the website imply the acquisition by users of any property rights whatsoever over the contents contained therein.

References to trademarks or registered trademarks or distinctive signs, whether owned by SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. or by third parties, imply a prohibition on their use without the consent of SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. or their legitimate owners. At no time, unless expressly stated, does access to or use of the Portal and/or its contents, confer on the user any right over the brands, logos and/or distinctive signs included therein protected by law.

11. Navigation and Security

SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. makes every effort to ensure that browsing this website is carried out under the best possible conditions. SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. accepts no responsibility for any type of damage suffered by users due to the use of browsers or versions other than the browsers for which this website has been designed.

SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. does not guarantee, nor is it responsible for access to this website being uninterrupted or error-free. In no event shall. SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. be liable for damages of any kind arising from access to and use of this website.

12.Terms and Conditions of Use

SOUTHBOOKERS S.L. reserves the right to suspend or cancel access in the event that it is used in breach of any applicable law or the usual rules of use on the Internet, or if its domain is used in connection with an illegal activity, as well as if notification to that effect is received from a competent authority or in the other cases contemplated by current legislation.

Users, in the use of the website and the services linked to it, must respect the following obligations:

a. Not to introduce, store or disseminate through the website or through any of the services linked to it any computer programme, data, virus, code or any other electronic instrument or device that may cause damage to the website, to any of the services linked to it or to any equipment, systems or networks of the owner of the domain, of any user, of its suppliers or in general of any third party, or that is otherwise capable of causing them any type of alteration or preventing the normal operation of the same.

b. Not to destroy, alter, render useless or damage the data, information, programmes or electronic documents of the owner of the domain, its suppliers or third parties.

c. Not to use the contents and in particular the information obtained through the website to send advertising, send messages for sales purposes or for any other commercial purpose, or to collect or store personal data of third parties.

d. They shall refrain from eluding or manipulating any technical devices established, whether on the website, in any of the services or in any of the materials, elements or information obtained through the same, for the protection of their rights.

e. They shall refrain from removing the signs identifying the rights (intellectual, industrial or any other) of the owner of the domain or of third parties that appear on the website and in each of the various services offered through it.

f. Refrain from any action that could result in a diversion of traffic to the website.

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